Trees New York and Green-Wood Cemetery team up to plant, preserve and protect Sunset Park’s urban forest. We kicked off this partnership with a demonstration street tree planting on 37th Street bordering Green-Wood Cemetery. Volunteers learned the size and scope of a street tree planting and pitched in and helped us plant the eight Sweetgums.
Following the kick-off we stewarded hundreds of street trees in Sunset Park and trained over 50 Citizen Pruners in the neighborhood. We planted trees in Green-Wood cemetery with students from nearby PS 295 and collected pine cones and seed pods to make woodland creature puppets that the students performed to learn about and appreciate Green-Wood’s forest. Click and Watch the Video of the Students from PS 295
Our goal is to engage the community and reconnect them with this unique public space. Green-Wood is an important part of our urban forest and the large-mature trees are not only beautiful they provide a myriad of environmental benefits to the community and New York City. We are hosting yearly tours so our volunteers can learn more about Green-Wood and the variety of trees that make up this unique urban forest.
Click and Watch our recent webinar with Green-Wood’s Director of Horticulture, Joe Charap, and Manager of Horticulture Operations, Sara Evans, Trees New York’s Arborist, and Education Director Sam Bishop to learn about native pollinators. Learn how NYC’s grasslands support pollinators, about Green-Wood’s urban grasslands restoration and how gardening in tree beds can help pollinators.