Thanks to the generous support of Carol Kelley’s family and The Graham Hunter Foundation we continue to partner with schools across the city and plant trees! We kicked off this initiative by planting a tree at the site of the historic Youth Climate Strike in 2019 – Foley Square. We are so glad to honor Carol Kelley and all the students that are advocating for our urban forest.
We partnered with iDig2Lean and received this amazing feedback.
“When Trees New York calls, we pick up on the first ring! This past spring was no different. iDig2Learn allows children to explore science and the origin of food through plant life, so we were happy to stand side-by-side Sam Bishop to unload a bounty of native trees. Redbuds, Serviceberries, Dogwoods, and Sweetbay Magnolia now call Roosevelt Island home. All summer long, iDig2Learn’s students, ages 4 to 14, watered and cared for those new native trees and shrubs with great joy. 2022 will mark iDig2Learn’s 10th anniversary and partnership with Trees New York. Together we have planted Fruit trees, learned the importance of trees and how to care for them. Sure we dig, plant, nurture, and restore habitat, but most of all, we express hope for the future. We are grateful to Trees NY for helping us grow.” – Christina Delfico, iDig2Learn
If your school or afterschool program is interested in planting a tree, please fill out the interest form. CLICK HERE. Christina McLaughlin, Trees New York’s environmental educator will follow-up with you to see if your school is a fit for the program.